Friday, July 30, 2010

And Another Thing...

I'm currently tearing apart my cute little blog to try and make it feel more "me."

Everything you see for the next week will probably be subject to change including the name and possibly address of the blog because I think it's about damn time- don't you?

I'm ready for the blog to have a clever name already!

(Me too, Leonard Nimoy, Me too.)

Disney Segues

OKAY! FINE! NEW BLOG! YEESH! So, things that have happened while I’ve been off abandoning you all: Caitlin… moved… ba- have I really been gone for around two months?

Ooooh… I have. I have been gone for two months and three days. Ooooh. Anyways… Back to the list.

Things I’ve been doing while you all were being abandoned:

1) Hanging out with Caitlin!
2) Taking a train trip with Caitlin to Spokane!
3) Spending the weekend with my father and having a crazy awesome meal dedicated to cheese!
4) Being driven from Spokane to Idaho to visit Caitlin’s Ancients and party for the 4th of July Bayview, Idaho Style!
5) Going to Aquafest!

Okay so that seems like a pretty meager gathering of reasons to be ignoring my readers for so long but… I’m baaack! Maybe I’ll just title my blog “Excuses” and then you will know what to expect in every post.

…Moving on…

Hey! Guess what I did! I planted a little garden! It’s true, I did. The garden harbors a whole bunch of herbs… and for a few days it had some Alyssum and Sunflowers and other cute blossoming plants but that all came to a screeching and abrupt halt. “Oh no, Jill!” You say, leaning closer with concern shining in your eyes, “Why did it come to such an unceremonious end?!” Well friends, in my neighborhood there is this group of children run about half dressed and patrol the roads carrying things like… old planks of wood with rusty nails sticking out of them and other such possible murder weapons. It looks like the scary part of Africa. What am I implying here, that they’re all black? Yes. That’s exactly what I’m implying. They mob through my hood screaming and killing and picking flowers. My flowers- and not even, like… in a dainty manner either. They just tear those suckers right out of the ground- partial roots and all! Then they walk three feet and drop the flower and scurry off… probably to bludgeon someone to death- a local dog or something. I’m not happy about it at all. I have tried to stop them from entering my backyard and garden area but they just stop and stare at me. Unmoving. Until I lose my nerve and stumble back inside. Defeated.

Anyways… That was a big chunk of writing with no breaks and I’m proud of you for getting through it. I’m just irritated with these rude street rats! Who are nothing like Aladdin AT ALL.

Let’s use Aladdin to Disney segue our way back to my garden… When I first started planting things I found six billion little animal bones all thrown into shallow little animal graves… it was like an elephant graveyard for rats… see how I did that? We went… Aladdin to Disney to The Lion King… it counts. It totally counts.

So what else is new? Caitlin’s Birthday is on Monday and I’m pretending it’s not until Friday the 13th because I am throwing her a super cool murder mystery party…. Party. For the record “I’m throwing it” actually means that I’m standing on the sidelines wringing my hands and letting it take place in my house… I’m not good at planning things. Actually I’m awesome at planning things- it’s the carrying through part I’m no bueno at- BUT I have a party box and it wont be much harder than that… right?

I actually find myself having much much much more to say (that’s three times as much as usual) and so I feel like I’m going to end it here with the pinky promise to fill you kids in on more later…. In the week?

Hmmm…. Yeah… that’s what I’m going to do…

OH! NO! WAIT! My darling friend Nick just started up a blog and it's called The Old Yellow Chair and will be used to document his travels through France for the next six thousand months. It may be the most adorable thing i've ever seen. I recommend it to all and as soon as I decide to personalize my blog further I'll put up a sweet little link for it!

Now I'm out of here for sure...