Thursday, May 27, 2010


Oooooh I totally haven't posted since February 18th... I feel guilty but I'm back on track! Ish.
So, okay, what's new? I'm going to cover all the messy things first starting with the roommate I promised to dish about last post... Ready? Let's go!

When I mentioned a new roomie I spoke... Super soon. What I should have said is "I'll have a new roommate... one day!" I just did a weird "Aha!" hand motion after I wrote that... I have nothing to say for myself... Another way of looking at this whole 'I don't actually have a new roommate" thing is to say "I do have a roommate- she just... will be living in Lake Stevens!" I feel that seems more right somehow...

Also, you now know the town she will be staying in... Oooooh, done.

In other much more difficult to face news Heroes has been cancelled. Yes, I wrote 'cancelled' with an extra 'L' because it that's how they write it in Europe and I believe it looks more socially acceptable... When it's written with only one "L" then it just looks like that odd cousin who sits alone under a tree at family reunions and eats tufts of grass instead of of catching up with relatives. Just one twist short of a slinky...

And that was 85 words dedicated to the word 'Cancelled."
(I dare you to bring up the difference in American and European grammar regarding where the place the period- before or after quotes. I dare you.)

Anyways- If you are reading this entire post with slight side-eye and noticing that all I actually said about Heroes was that it was cancelled and then rushed to hide my emotions about it in a rant about spelling... That's because I literally can't face the truth about Heroes yet...
It's like staring into the sun.
I need thick thick sunglasses that I can gradually remove to look at it full on when I'm good and ready!

In retrospect staring into the sun is actually a bad thing and I should just... keep my sunglasses on... Don't stare at the sun. Don't even look at it. In fact, if you're as pale as me you should just avoid it all together. OR, if you don't want cancer. Avoid it then as well. Too much? Too much.

No, none of my analogies ever work out.
Yes, I am the strange cousin eating tufts of grass under the tree at family reunions.

Uhm... what else needs to be covered? I'm considering posting lots of little posts instead of few long ones in the future- however I always lie, so we'll just see wont we?

I am finishing up a film class at school and for those of you who are nodding and saying "Oh that's nice!" in the manner of Shirley from NBC's Community, YOU ARE WRONG.

FILM CLASS IS... Nothing like I expected. A few of you have been around to see me throw small tantrums and fling things across the room during discussions about this class and I again have nothing to say for myself. One of the most rewarding parts of the class is my teacher who never fails to uncap a whiteboard marker and inhale deeply before starting a lecture. College.

Before leaving I would like to point out that I well exceeded my quotation mark allowance for a post. I'm not sorry.


That is all.
A presto!

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